Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Pre-Cleanse - Day 2

Wow, who would have thought that I would feel sooooo good and, generally, not too cranky on Day 2. Cut the caffeine to 1/3, tomorrow will be zero. Yikes. Ate fruit mostly today except for lunch had last nights split pea soup. It was just as delicious the second time around.

For dinner I made sweet potato mash and cauliflower soup with arugula. The sweet potato mash was awesome. It has just a little orange juice in it with a new spice "garam masala" - AMAZING. Wish I had made more. My cauliflower soup turned out really good too. Will definitely need to incorporate some of these dishes into our normal menu when we are done cleansing.

No headaches, no melt downs, OH and I forgot, I actually drank some water today. Incredible, I know.

Day 2 = success.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Pre-Cleanse Day 1

If I had sat down to write this 1 hour ago, I probably would have only been able to say how crappy and horrible day 1 of Pre-cleanse was. Only a few pieces of fruit, a little lettuce, and not nearly enough caffeine. Add to that, that I have only had one contact in while my eye gets better, so that I can't see and have been working on a migraine all day AND Aunt Flo arrived as well. Yes, probably a very good idea I did not post when I first got home. Momma was a little cranky.

But then, I made some split pea soup out of the cleanse cookbook. I'll admit I was nervous. Sooooo glad it turned out very delicious and it filled me up. Yay. Two more days of pre-cleanse, then the hard part, 3 days of nothing but juicing. Gonna kick start the new year by detoxing. I'll let you know if I make it through another day tomorrow.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Wow, how did I get here...

Where is "here"? "Here" is gaining back every single pound lost after the lap band was removed. But HOW did I get here. That's easy. Out of control eating, no exercise, "busyness" and about a million other explanations that really just amount to excuses. BUT it is a new year, every day is a new day. This year I turn 40. We have BIG goals for this year, so why not add a healthier me to the list.

One of my favorite quotes is "direction determines destination". If what I am doing is not a step towards where and what I want to be, then I will never reach my destination. EVERY thing I do must lead me to my goal or it is time wasted. The Hebrews wandered in the desert for 40 years before they made it to the promised land. 40 is MY the magic number.