Saturday, April 16, 2011

Progress! But DANG its hard.

Tomorrow will be two weeks of the HCG diet and I am down 12.8 Pounds! Woo hoo. Started off really strong and followed everything to a "T". The past three days, though, have been incredibly hard. I am HUNGRY and craving all the things I can't have, Ranch dressing, Toast with Jelly, Bacon....mmmm bacon. LOL! I have had a couple of days where I ate way more protein than I was supposed to and a few more grissini bread sticks that I was supposed to. Oh, and then Curt bought fried chicken. DANG IT! I pulled off the skin and swallowed two thighs before I could catch my breath.

But let keep perspective. If I compare these slip ups to slips in the past, they are not that bad. Just gotta keep on truckin'. This is the hump. Only two more weeks to go. Hawaii is coming quick. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Back on the Bus

My daily affirmation reads,

"God in his infinite ability and love for me will bless my life. He will bless me with peace, love, happiness and wealth. He desires to provide me with not only my present needs but the desires of my heart."

Surrounding that affirmation on my vision board are all of the goals I intend to achieve in this life. A few of them are to be debt free, to serve others, to have raised children that love the Lord, to have a home full of love and laughter...and, of course, to be thin and physically fit.

The point in all this is that, despite past failure, I am not giving up. There will be a day that I can look back and say I "used to be _______, man it was hard getting here, but I did it, and I am so glad I did!"

Today was a particularly hard day. I did not eat before going to church and by the time I got home, I had to turn right around and take Maddie to her missions meeting. I was STARVING. When I walked in the door, both Debbie and Curtis were eating their lunch, nothing that I could have; it sure smelled delicious!

I was patient. I pulled out all my fresh veggies, chopped them up. I preheated the oven and started thawing my fish. I was tempted and very close to eating a few tortilla chips on the counter. I heard my natural self say, "its O.K., one chip won't hurt" LIES! One chip will hurt because one chip turns into two, then half a bag, then then guilt sets it and as soon as I know it, I am back off the bus.

Not this time. This time I am on the bus and sometimes being on the bus is really hard, but it gets us to our destination, eventually.